Demonstration Unit


Reel Food System for Viewing and Learning

The Reel Food demonstration unit will be located at the Arizona Green headquarters and research center in Cochise County, Arizona.  It will be a fully functioning family sized unit that features fish tank housing for fry, fingerling, growing, and market-ready tilapia.
School-based educators and their students along with community groups, individuals, and families can see first hand the Reel Food System in action.  Viewers will see how fish are grown in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) with water taken through a filtration system and recycled to the fish and used to grow plants.  They can learn about science principles like how siphoning works, why pH is important, how light affects fish and plants, and how solar energy can be used with hydronic heating to grow fish. 
Local food production and small business opportunities can be developed by learning the basics through the demonstration unit. Arizona Green units like this can be used in urban or rural settings to promote family and community food security.
Last modified: Sunday, 18 August 2019, 6:35 PM